



  • Winter newsletter 2025

    Spotlight on lncRNAs

    One of the current key aims for the HGNC is naming long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) genes and in this newsletter we would like to highlight some of the lncRNA genes that we have approved recently. LncRNA genes are the only class of genes, aside from...

  • Autumn newsletter 2024

    HGNC is funded for another 5 years!

    We have had a testing time in the last year, as anyone who follows the HGNC will be aware and have been reliant on bridge funding. We are therefore delighted to announce that we have been awarded funding from the

  • Autumn newsletter 2023

    HGNC members on sabbatical

    Undoubtedly any of our readers who are involved in producing online resources for the biomedical community are aware of the difficulties in securing funding for these kind of crucial resources, even for those of us who have been recognised as a Global Core...

  • Autumn newsletter 2022

    New REST API

    We are excited to announce that we have expanded our REST API so that you can now query both HGNC and VGNC data! The REST web-service is a convenient and quick way of searching and fetching data from our database within...

  • Summer newsletter 2022

    Globus file transfer

    The HGNC now provides a shared Globus endport for HGNC data. Globus is a non-profit service for secure, reliable research data management and transfer. Transferring files via Globus is quick and is not affected by network glitches that may corrupt the transferred file....

  • Spring newsletter 2022

    Farewell to Beth

    After 9 years of working with us, we have had to say goodbye to Beth Yates, our first developer for the VGNC project. We would like to thank Beth for all of her hard work in setting up the VGNC website,, as well...

  • Winter newsletter 2022

    Thanks to our Scientific Advisory Board

    We would like to thank all the members of our SAB for attending our (mostly virtual) annual meeting from 27-28th January. We hope that we might be able to host a less virtual version in the future! We were pleased to...

  • Autumn newsletter 2021

    We are pleased to announce that HGNC now displays links from our Symbol Reports to curated gene-disease relationships in the GenCC (The Gene Curation Coalition) database. The HGNC is a member of the GenCC project that brings together multiple groups that are...

  • Summer newsletter 2021

    Dinas Dinlle beach, Wales

    Welcome to Liora!

    We are delighted to introduce our new curator, Liora Vilmovsky, who has joined us to work primarily on our project to stabilise symbols for clinically relevant genes. You can read Liora’s post on our blog site to learn...

  • Spring newsletter 2021

    New HGNC search application is live!

    Readers of the Winter newsletter will remember being asked to test the beta version of our improved search. Thanks so much to all who did this and provided us with feedback. On April 1st we switched over to this new search on...

  • Winter newsletter 2021

    Credit: Dr Susan Tweedie “Snowdrops at the HGNC outpost in Minto Glen”

    Beta version of new search released

    Earlier this month, we released a beta version of an improved search for The main improvements compared to our current search are as follows:

    • One search...
  • Autumn newsletter 2020

    Coming soon - an improved search for

    We are excited to announce that we are finalising a new version of the search engine for The look and feel will not significantly change but the search will feature an autosuggest function which will let the user...

  • Summer newsletter 2020

    Fewer changes, other species, and no more dates – the new HGNC guidelines have been released!

    We are delighted to announce that we have published a comment article about updates to our nomenclature guidelines. The citation in Nature Genetics can be viewed in the ‘Publications’ section below. A...

  • Spring newsletter 2020

    HGNC are working from home

    The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) on the Wellcome Genome Campus in Hinxton where the main HGNC office is located has been closed since Wednesday 18th March, so we have all been working from home for over 2 months and counting. Although we...

  • Autumn newsletter 2019

    Thanks to our Scientific Advisory Board

    We would like to thank all the members of our SAB for attending our annual meeting, held here at EMBL-EBI from 7-8 November. We were pleased to welcome two new board members: Professor Anne Ferguson-Smith is the Arthur Balfour Professor...

  • Summer newsletter 2019

    The HGNC is 40!

    We are excited to announce a significant birthday for the HGNC – it is now 40 years since the first full human gene nomenclature guidelines were published, following discussions at the 1979 Human Genome Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland. We are proud to be able...

  • Spring newsletter 2019

    Welcome to the new format newsletter

    Welcome to the first HGNC newsletter published on our brand new HGNC and VGNC blog! The blog was launched on April 1st, 2019 and this forms our second ever post. Aside from publishing our newsletters, we will use this blog to highlight...

Guest Post